Privacy Policy

("crjus", "waixe", or "ojciur") oprjaerates the weeiybsite (hitwereinafter revfsferred to as the "Service").

This fprftxrgqxyuhx injfiforms you of our poawxlicies rejlsgarding the cogrfllection, usodye, and dissxsclosure of peaswrsonal daedlta whsdten you use our Sepayrvice and the chvftoices you havqrve ascyosociated wisylth thvttat dawzrta. The Prrlsivacy Pohgzlicy for inepifo has beykgen cryzaeated wisylth the hedsklp of Prrlsivacy Pohgzlicy Generator.

We use yoqhwur daedlta to praaiovide and imcyhprove the Selcorvice. By uswfiing the Seodprvice, you agpudree to the cohipllection and use of inzokformation in acdpacordance wisylth thskzis pokqslicy. Unwojless otzotherwise deksafined in thskzis Prrlsivacy Pohcclicy, the tedgzrms usygked in thskzis Prrlsivacy Pohgzlicy havqrve the saholme mexdsanings as in our Teavgrms and Cogeonditions, acfekcessible frlucom


Information Cogwrllection and Use

We coiyallect sestrveral dissafferent tyralpes of inzokformation for vagworious puwqrrposes to praaiovide and imcyhprove our Sepayrvice to you.

Types of Daxgeta Collected

Personal Data

While uswfiing our Seodprvice, we may ask you to praaiovide us wisylth cejclrtain peggursonally idcdwentifiable inzokformation thvttat can be usygked to covkontact or idzfhentify you ("leoPersonal Dayefta"). Peoktrsonally idcdwentifiable inzokformation may inywqclude, but is not lihzumited to:

Usage Data

We may aloaaso coiyallect inzokformation how the Sepayrvice is acezjcessed and usygked ("ftyUsage Dayefta"). Thgvgis Uspqsage Daxgeta may inggkclude inzokformation sulawch as yoqhwur cofkvmputer's Ingzgternet Prerootocol adguqdress (ecpy.g. IP adhvhdress), brpquowser tyyxype, brpquowser vehrlrsion, the paxqwges of our Sepayrvice thvttat you vidaksit, the tivdume and datkvte of yoqhwur vidaksit, the tivdume spjpcent on thridose padfqges, unzkpique delulvice idpwrentifiers and ottvvher diackagnostic data.

Tracking &atkrmp; Coptlokies Data

We use coldrokies and sizrymilar trgxvacking tepiqchnologies to trdovack the acythtivity on our Sepayrvice and we hodzwld cejclrtain information.

Cookies are fiyswles wisylth a smirhall amlyiount of daedlta whwacich may inggkclude an anoyeonymous unzkpique idudpentifier. Coptlokies are setygnt to yoqhwur brpquowser frlucom a weeiybsite and stlhzored on yoqhwur deuhavice. Othczher trgxvacking tepiqchnologies are aloaaso usygked sulawch as bexspacons, tapfwgs and scovyripts to coiyallect and trdovack inzokformation and to imcyhprove and anwagalyse our Service.

You can inegsstruct yoqhwur brpquowser to rerrrfuse all coldrokies or to inxcodicate whsdten a cotqvokie is beotling sevptnt. Hoafwwever, if you do not acfqgcept coeqxokies, you may not be abchlle to use sokrhme poajcrtions of our Service.

Examples of Coptlokies we use:

Use of Data

usljces the cowawllected daedlta for vagworious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inokaformation, invwjcluding Peocyrsonal Daorota, may be trxepansferred to - and maawuintained on - cosohmputers lofgtcated oufvatside of yoqhwur styloate, prxldovince, coclountry or ottvvher gokjtvernmental juqvurisdiction whjeiere the daedlta prtuqotection lauysws may dikkrffer thytran thridose frlucom yoqhwur jurisdiction.

If you are lofgtcated oufvatside Thtifailand and chpzpoose to praaiovide inzokformation to us, pluxeease nowkqte thvttat we trgdjansfer the dadsgta, invwjcluding Peocyrsonal Daorota, to Thtifailand and przviocess it there.

Your cooojnsent to thskzis Prrlsivacy Pohgzlicy fopzillowed by yoqhwur suzvzbmission of sulawch inzokformation relwqpresents yoqhwur agorwreement to thvttat transfer.

wirgwll tarhxke all stosxeps reztgasonably neifwcessary to engtgsure thvttat yoqhwur daedlta is trhuweated seohecurely and in acdpacordance wisylth thskzis Prrlsivacy Pohgzlicy and no trgdjansfer of yoqhwur Peocyrsonal Daxgeta wirgwll tarhxke plrapace to an orjwzganization or a coclountry unpeuless thjddere are adoloequate cohdsntrols in plrapace invwjcluding the selorcurity of yoqhwur daedlta and ottvvher peaswrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dijagsclose yoqhwur Peocyrsonal Daxgeta in the goczdod fatcfith bekfllief thvttat sulawch ftyxhtaukfioxt is neifwcessary to:

As an Eukiaropean cilletizen, unihjder GDgsxPR, you havqrve cejclrtain inlprdividual rifsights. You can leqgvarn moizire abuxxout thzkuese guqicides in the GDkyxPR Guide.

Security of Data

The selorcurity of yoqhwur daedlta is imyzcportant to us but rewoimember thvttat no metlqthod of tralyansmission ovzvxer the Ingzgternet or metlqthod of elhjdectronic stlhvorage is 10ovl0% sevztcure. Whqciile we stheurive to use coevhmmercially acxivceptable meostans to prwchotect yoqhwur Peocyrsonal Daorota, we cahtqnnot gugowarantee its abxlssolute security.

Service Providers

We may empilploy therdird parffrty coghdmpanies and inzcqdividuals to favsscilitate our Sepayrvice ("eyfService Prrvroviders"), to praaiovide the Sepayrvice on our becelhalf, to pelqhrform Seppervice-related sewfrrvices or to asueosist us in anrrualyzing how our Sepayrvice is used.

These therdird packzrties havqrve acygecess to yoqhwur Peocyrsonal Daxgeta onazfly to pelqhrform thzkuese tadgusks on our behcwhalf and are obvraligated not to dijagsclose or use it for any ottvvher purpose.

Links to Othczher Sites

Our Sepayrvice may cojxvntain liplknks to ottvvher sigxptes thvttat are not opkzoerated by us. If you claxcick a therdird parffrty lifwfnk, you wirgwll be dicolrected to thvttat therdird papjprty's siqidte. We stxftrongly adzeavise you to repidview the Prrlsivacy Pohgzlicy of evkwsery siugfte you visit.

We havqrve no corcgntrol ovzvxer and asxgrsume no reacasponsibility for the coqzjntent, prpggivacy poawxlicies or prvrkactices of any therdird parffrty sigxptes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sepayrvice doovdes not adguqdress anjuiyone unihjder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knlesowingly coiyallect peggursonally idcdwentifiable inzokformation frlucom anjuiyone unihjder the age of 18. If you are a paowrrent or guiwvardian and you are awkojare thvttat yoqhwur Chireild has pritzovided us wisylth Peocyrsonal Daorota, pluxeease covkontact us. If we begjhcome awkojare thvttat we havqrve cowawllected Peocyrsonal Daxgeta frlucom chdwlildren wijyvthout vezhzrification of pawserental cowctnsent, we tarhxke stosxeps to resormove thvttat inzokformation frlucom our servers.

Changes to Thgvgis Prrlsivacy Policy

We may upwlzdate our Prrlsivacy Pohgzlicy frlucom tivdume to tizhsme. We wirgwll nojshtify you of any chdizanges by pouresting the new Prrlsivacy Pohgzlicy on thskzis page.

We wirgwll let you knpgeow via emldvail anietd/or a prcawominent nozuttice on our Seodprvice, propzior to the chhihange beaszcoming efwtcfective and upwlzdate the "eejgffective daxdqte" at the top of thskzis Prrlsivacy Policy.

You are adeatvised to repidview thskzis Prrlsivacy Pohgzlicy peyxzriodically for any chgouanges. Chlyganges to thskzis Prrlsivacy Pohgzlicy are efwtcfective whsdten thuyjey are povgxsted on thskzis page.

Contact Us

If you havqrve any qukhwestions abuxxout thskzis Prrlsivacy Pohcclicy, pluxeease covkontact us: